Creating and Editing the Seasonal Flight Schedule

For creating and editing a seasonal flight plan two module views are available, each providing different views and functions:

Expanded FlightPlan
This module provides an expanded seasonal flight schedule, showing individual flights. The main function here is editing data of single flights and the chaining of arrivals and departures.

Condensed FLightPlan
This module provides a condensed view of the seasonal flight schedule, summarising regular flights in periods on a weekly basis. This offers a concise overview. The main functions here are editing flight period data and splitting/joining of periods.

In both modules, new data records can be created by using the button New images/download/thumbnails/286687939/2020-08-04_12_22_02-Window.png . This will add a new line where the data for the new record can be entered.

Important: Although both views are available for viewing if you are logged-in under the holding, changes to flight records can only be made if you are logged-in under a specific station!

Colour Codes in the Seasonal Flight Plan

Seasonal Flightplan uses colour codes to offer the best possible overview of seasonal flight plan information. Data records without any inconsistencies or errors are coloured in light ochre. Records including any inconsistencies are coloured dark beige.

In addition to the colouring of the complete line, inconsistencies or errors are marked with additional colour codes in individual data fields. These are listed below:

  • A/C – red:

Aircraft type for arrival and departure of a rotation does not match

  • ST – red:

Scheduled time of arrival (STA) is later than the time of departure

  • FLNR – red:

Flight number is marked red if a Remark has been entered for the flight (period)

  • ROT-FLNR–red,

If no rotation flight number (number of a chained flight) is recorded, the empty field is colored red

  • ROT-FLNR – red:

If the field is marked red although a rotation flight number is recorded, the chained flight does not exist in the database (e.g. it has been deleted in the meantime)

  • ROT-FLNR – black:

Cancelled flights are marked black

Automatic creation of daily flight schedules

Once a day, a daily flight schedule is created automatically from the expanded seasonal flight schedule. The exact time when this export is triggered can be freely defined during the installation of Seasonal Flightplan. The export is fully automated and does not require a user interface. Alternatively, an optional software tool is available, which can be integrated in the application and allows you to manually export daily flight schedule according to your individual requirements.

The seasonal flight schedule data is constantly checked for plausibility, and errors or inconsistencies are marked automatically during editing. Therefore, an additional review of the exported data is generally unnecessary. Any remaining inconsistencies remain marked in the daily flight planning and can be edited there.