Printout of Contracts_SLAs
A detailed description of the basic principles of creating printouts for contracts as well as the necessary preparations and background processes involved can be found in the corresponding Quick Reference Guides.
The printout of contracts in the application is based on cooperation with the text processing software OpenOffice. In a first step, OpenOffice is used to design document templates for contracts which can include freely definable text elements and clauses. At those positions, where actual contract data is required (e.g. customer names and addresses, services, quality items etc.), specific placeholders (called "tags") are inserted. Based on this principle, any template required for all contract variants and fields of businesses can be created and stored in the central database.
In the application, all contract templates and their storage locations are then referenced in the detail table Contract Templates in the master data module Contract.
During the creation of actual contracts in the operative modules, each contract is assigned a specific template which will be used for the printout of ready-to-sign documents.
When the printout is started (by using the button Print Contract in the table Contract), the application accesses the corresponding document template, opens it in a new browser and automatically replaces all placeholders with the appropriate data recorded the application for the contract.
The browser preview allows you to check and edit the resulting document with all functions offered by OpenOffice. After the final control has been finished, the common print functions can be used to create the actual ready-to-sign printout of the official document.
Analogous to the contract printout, quality items from a Service Level Agreement including their values, units and operators can also be entered into an SLA template and printed. The quality items are to be selected and inserted in OpenOffice (analogous to the contract services and their prices). When creating a new data record in the table Service Level Agreements, the category of the Contract Type is automatically preselected (Service Level Agreement).