Specific function buttons for Contract

Following buttons are available to execute the specific functions under Contract:

images/download/thumbnails/286687986/2020-08-22_21_06_11-EPG_GHS___Contract___Contract.png Edit Template: Using this button allows editing contract templates a contract is based on.

images/download/thumbnails/286687986/2020-08-22_21_04_15-EPG_GHS___Contract___Contract.png View / Print Document: Using this button allows to view a contract in OpenOffice and to print it.

images/download/thumbnails/286687986/2020-08-22_21_06_11-EPG_GHS___Contract___Contract.png Edit Sideletter: Using this button the sideletter to a contract can be edited.

images/download/thumbnails/286687986/2020-08-22_21_02_26-EPG_GHS___Contract___Contract.png Print Sideletter: Using this button the sideletter to a contract can be printed.

images/download/thumbnails/286687986/2020-08-20_13_55_45-EPG_GHS___Master_Data_Workflow___Contractual_Workflow_Types.png Copy Contract/Price Configurations/Contract Item: This button is available in the tables Contract, Contract -> Contract Items and Contract (-> Contract Items) -> Price Configurations. Using this button creates an identical copy of the currently selected object including all definitions in the related detail tables, so for example a price configuration is copied including all it's rules. After pressing the button the system prompts the user to select the target contract. Deep copy may only be executed within a station. Please note, that also multiple objects can be copied in one go by the selecting the corresponding objects. The system prevents you from copying the same contract item(s) into the same source contract (Contract Items may only exist once per contract). Important: Using the commonly available button Duplicate object images/download/thumbnails/286687986/2020-08-04_12_24_16-Window.png only copies the basic contract data record without taking the included subordinate data (e.g. services, price configuration details etc.) into account!

images/download/attachments/286687986/worddav352bddc29c3d25cc460fe59b365af81b.png Copy to Contract: This button is available in the table Contract -> AHM Services. In this table, a list of all services available for contract design is listed. After marking the services which are to be added to a contract, this button is used to actually transfer the selected services to the corresponding contract.

images/download/thumbnails/286687986/2021-03-29_10_54_28-EPG_GHS___Contract___Contract.png Expiring Contracts: This button is available in the table Contract. Using this button lists all contracts which will expire in the near future. The actual setting for the time span which defines a contract as "expiring" is predefined in consultation with topsystem.

images/download/thumbnails/286687986/2021-03-29_10_54_55-EPG_GHS___Contract___Contract.png Expired Contracts: This button is available in the table Contract. Using this button lists all contracts which have already expired and are no longer valid.

images/download/thumbnails/286687986/2021-03-23_10_35_11-EPG_GHS___Contract___Contract.png Contracts With Critical Price Alignment: This button is available in the table Contract. Using this button lists all contracts for which a price adaptation will be required in the near future. The date when a Price alignment becomes necessary can be defined in the corresponding field in the table Contract. The actual setting for the time span before this date which defines a contract as "requiring price adaptation" is predefined in consultation with topsystem.

images/download/attachments/286687986/worddav15f3467d951f7b917a5d3154ff51d0d8.png Consumer Price Index (CPI): A price adaption for a contract can be arranged. Contract prices will be increased perceptually. Details concerning CPI can be found in the following chapter.

images/download/thumbnails/286687986/2021-03-29_10_59_22-EPG_GHS___Contract___Contract.png Import Contract: This button triggers the import of a contract in a dedicated XML format. Such an XML file is generated by the button Export Contract.

Preconditions for the Contract Import/Export:

  • Master Data Contract: Customers and services of the exported contract are available in the target system before the import.

  • Both application servers are available and can exchange files: The source system writes the file directly into the import directory of the target system.

images/download/thumbnails/286687986/2021-03-29_10_58_41-EPG_GHS___Contract___Contract.png Export Contract: This button triggers the export of a contract in a dedicated XML format.

images/download/thumbnails/286687986/2021-03-29_11_01_59-EPG_GHS___Contract___Contract.png Start Workflow: If a workflow shall be started again at a later point of time, the user may press the button Start Workflow.

images/download/thumbnails/286687986/2021-03-29_11_07_54-EPG_GHS___Contract___Contract.png Stop Workflow: If the workflow is complete or shall be stopped for other reasons, the user may press the button Stop Workflow.

images/download/thumbnails/286687986/worddavacf1eb6f511dbdf22697d61df4766e87.png Create New Version: Button for creating a new version of an existing contract.