The Module Services Events
Following data is captured for each event service:
Station to which this configuration applies; this column is only shown if you are logged in above station level. |
Automatically generated, unique sequential number which is used as an identifier for the data record. |
Name of non-flight-event in plain text |
For flight events, the BTA/BTD is shown here. For non-flight events, the actual time they have taken place is displayed. |
Shows the state of the service |
Shows the kind of contract |
Shows the open charges |
Recipient imported from the external system via interface. |
In this field the software automatically shows the invoice recipient defined in a handling contract which is assigned to a flight event. If no contract is assigned or an assigned contract does not include an invoice recipient, the software enters the aircraft owner here. Note that it is possible to manually change the recipient in the pull-down menu Capt. Rec. If no recipient is stated in the contract or no aircraft owner can be identified, this field remains empty. |
This pull-down menu can be used to manually change the invoice recipient if necessary, or to enter a recipient if no invoice recipient could be identified from a handling contract or aircraft. Manually entered recipients always have priority over automatically identified recipients. Note that invoice recipients available here for selection are defined in the master data table Customer of the master data module Contract. |
The actual invoice recipient depending on the entries in the fields Calc. Rec. and Capt. Rec. |
This checkbox shows if a customer is liable to pay cash or is billed in the general invoicing procedure. This definition is set for each customer in the table Customer > Financial Profile master data module Contracts. Note that this mark must be available in order for a cash bill to be printed! If you have to create a cash invoice for an airline which is not marked as cash-paying, you first have to change the setting in the master data. |
If this flag is set to active, a credit customer is handled as a cash payer. |
If this flag is set, the corresponding billing events get highlighted similar to the color of the cash payers. |
This checkbox shows if the Hotrun was done |
After a handling event has been paid by cash, the time and date when the cash invoice Hotrun has been performed is automatically entered here. |
In this pull-down menu the payment option the customer selects for a cash payment can be selected, i.e. cash, a variety of credit cards etc. The options available here can be defined in the table Mode of Payment in the master data module Billing. |
Indicates if there are open discrepancies or not |
Internal (handling company) status of a discrepancy: May be Closed or In Progress. |
Airline status of a discrepancy. This status can only be set by the airline/customer via the Airline Web Portal. Two possibilities: Approved or Rejected. |
Flag that is automatically set if a primary service with a quantity greater 0 has no associated service (with quantity greater 0). |
Each of the checked primary services of the flight event with their quantity and the associated service with its quantity is listed here (one line per service, multiline text field in edit panel). |
Remarks for the billing officer in the backoffice can be entered in the MSR. These remarks will be shown here. |
Freely definable comment |
The flag is set automatically by the system whenever an error occurs during the automatic price calculation procedure. In this case, the error is listed in the field Remark Calculation. |
Freely definable comment for the calculation |
Care of (c/o) of cash payer (for invoice) |
Name of cash payer (for invoice) |
Street or P.O. Box of cash payer |
Zip code of cash payer (for invoice) |
City of cash payer (for invoice) |
Country of cash payer (for invoice) |
Registration of aircraft of the flight event |
It is possible to override the default cash invoice contact by selecting a Cash Payer Contact Person. Only users with the Billing flag set can be selected, just like for the invoice cycle Contact Person. |
Parking position (from table Master Data General → Parking Positions) |
Parking position (from table Master Data General → Handling Type) |
Date and time when the data record was changed last (filled automatically) |
Name of the last user who changed the data record (filled automatically) |
Please also consider the following video: MSR - Invoice-cycle and Non-flight-event: |