The Table Condensed

This table shows the seasonal flight schedule in a compressed view, i.e. all individual regular flights are subsumed in flight periods represented as a single data record. A flight period is defined as a week-based summary of individual flights with exactly the same key data (flight number, origin/destination, identification as arrival or departure etc.) which are repeated cyclically on the same weekdays at the same times.

New flight periods can be created by clicking the button New images/download/thumbnails/286687940/2020-08-04_12_22_02-Window.png . Each record includes data fields for all important flight data like flight number, scheduled times, weekdays and much more.

Upon opening the module, the Table mask is empty. Flight schedule data is read from the database by clicking the button Search images/download/thumbnails/286687940/2020-08-04_12_23_23-Window.png . Before you start a data search, you can define freely selectable filters in the Search panel in order to reduce the amount of data records displayed in the table.

Filtering is very important for two reasons:

1) Your search results will only include exactly what you are looking for, giving you a far better overview and

2) without filtering you might read hundreds or even thousands of data records.

Following data is recorded for each flight period:

  • Station:*

If you are logged-in under the holding, this field shows which station a flight is assigned to. Please note that data records cannot be created or edited if you are logged-in under the holding!

  • Autoid:

Automatically generated, unique sequential number which is used as an identifier for the data record.


Start/End date of the period – i.e. the date of the first/last flight given in the format DDMM (day/month) without any separators

  • SEA:

Season to which the period applies

  • STAT:

Planning status of the flight. In the topsystem standard version, following coordination states are available:
* = Attention flag, flight has particularities or inconsistencies (e.g. date is outside the normal seasonal time limits);
C = Flight has been cancelled (cancelled), but remains stored in the database;
X = Flight is to be completely deleted and removed from the database (Attention: Assigning this status will completely delete a flight record!);
# = Flight is in a planning state and details are still being discussed with a coordination center and might be changed;
O = Flight has not been cleared by the responsible coordination institution.

  • ST:

Scheduled Time of Arrival/Departure – given in the format HHMM (hour/minute) without any separators

  • A/D:

Identification of the flight as Arrival (A) or Departure (D)

  • A/L:

ID code of the airline

  • FLN:

Flight number


Flight's callsign

  • 1234567:

Numbers that represent the weekdays where a flight takes place:

Upon leaving the date field, the entered numbers are sorted automatically and non-flight days are marked by a blank.

  • SVC:

Service type code

  • ORD:

"Original Date" is an indicator for the original plan date of a flight. As a flight planning date always refers to the date when the flight actually started, it happens that the arrival at its destination is a day or two later. In order to have an unambiguous reference between the start and actual date, this field can be used to enter a numerical value (0, -1, -2) for calculating the original date.

Example: A flight with an arrival date of Jan 1st and an ORD marker of "-2" left its origin on Dec 30th.

  • ROT-FLN:

Arrival and departure of an individual aircraft can be linked to a so-called "rotation" in order to keep track of the aircraft's stay on the airport. This function is described in chapter Chaining of arrivals and departures. After a flight has been "chained" the flight number of the related arrival/departure is listed in this field.


Only available in the Search panel. It can be used to search for flights, which have the airport entered as search criteria in their route (OD1-3). This is done by entering the international 3-letter code of the desired airport. Multiple filters can be set by entering more than one code, separating each code with a blank.

  • OPR:

Operating company is selected (this might be a different company than the owner of the aircraft).

  • A/C:

Aircraft type in according to IATA code.

  • GATE:

Gate assigned to flight


Position assigned to flight

  • BELT:

Belt assigned to flight

  • COUNTER from/to:

Check-in counter assigned to flight


Terminal assigned to flight

  • MTOW:

Expected maximum take off weight of the aircraft (in kg)

  • NAX:

Noise annex of the aircraft

  • N/S:

Number of night stops of the flight (1 means a single night stop etc.)


Mark an airport as member of the Schengen Agreement (only relevant for European countries).

  • SEAT:

Maximum seats available for the aircraft

  • Intern./Domestic:

International/Domestic marker of the flight. Entering an "I" will denote an international, a "D" is entered for a domestic flight.

  • GA:

A marker for General Aviation flights.

Activated checkbox: General Aviation

Deactivated checkbox: Line/Charter

  • OD1-3:*

Pull-down menus for up to three origins (for arrivals) or destinations (for departures) can be selected. If no stopovers are planned, only one origin or destination has to be selected. The pull-down menu lists all international airports according to their 3-letter codes. These fields are available in the Edit panel only. In the Search panel, the corresponding data can be filtered in the field ROUTING (see above).

  • OPS:

Handler Operations

  • PAS:

Handler Passengers

  • RMP:

Handler Ramp

  • CDSH1-4:

For flights sharing a code with other flights, up to four "codeshares" can be entered in these fields

  • Last Changed:

Time and date when the data record has been changed last

  • Modified By:

Name of the user who edited the flight record last

  • Exported:

Available in the Search panel only and allows filtering a search according to the export status of a flight (i.e. for flights which have or have not yet been exported to the daily flight scheduling).

  • REMARK 1-2:

Freely definable notes about the flight data record

Please also consider the following video:

SFP condensed create a flight period: