The Table Divisions

  • ID:*

Internal definition of the division (ID = Identifier). This ID is used as a reference code by the software and must be unique for each division.

  • GA:

A marker for General Aviation flights.
Activated checkbox: General Aviation
Deactivated checkbox: Line/Charter

The Table Divisons -> Subdivisions

  • Station:*

Station to which this configuration applies.

  • ID:*

Internal definition of the subdivision (ID = Identifier). This ID is used as a reference code by the software and must be unique for each subdivision.

  • Remark:

Freely definable comment

  • Modified By:

Name of the last user who changed the data record (filled automatically)

  • Last Changed:

Date and time when the data record was changed last (filled automatically)

The Table Divisons -> Service Type Codes

  • Active:

By setting this flag the service type code will be assigned to the selected division.

  • ID:

Internal definition of the service type code (ID = Identifier). This ID is used as a reference code by the software and must be unique for each service type code.

  • Name:

Description of the Service Type Code as defined in master data Flights -> Service Type Codes