The Table Organisation Units (Services)

The organisational branches of the internal company structure can be recorded in this master data module. These organisation units can then be used to assign the services offered in the service catalogue under Contract to specific branches for organisational purposes. This structure is then reflected in the operative business – e.g. for printing out worksheets listing only branch-specific services to be provided etc.

Should an external ERP system be used in addition to the application, this structure could also be used to manage various internal accounts for the organisational units and their services.

This master data table can be used to create and record various departments for reflecting the internal organisational structure.

The organisation units listed here are available as a pull-down-list for each service in the table Service -> Account of the master data module Contract. This allows you to assign each service to a specific organisation unit for reference, operative and accounting purposes.

Organisation units serve an important purpose in the operative business: Here, task sheets for the operative personnel can be printed out which include only unit-specific tasks. Alternatively, if a quick service registration via terminals or handheld computers is used, the work orders are also assigned with regard to the organisation units. Another important function is the financial accounting of services, which can also be performed based on organisational units.

Following data can be recorded to reflect organisation units:

  • ID:*

Internal definition of the organisation unit (ID = Identifier). This ID is used as a reference code by the software and must be unique for each unit.

  • Name:*

Plain text description of the organisation unit.

  • Remark:

Freely definable remark about the organisation unit.