User Administration

The software module Rights images/download/thumbnails/286687891/Rights.png is used to manage users and access rights for the complete application.

The following description explains the complete user rights management based on the assumption that you have all necessary rights for viewing, editing, creating and deleting user- and rights-related data. If you do not have these rights, you might not be able to use some of these functions.

Basically, access rights are managed according to the following principles: First, individual Users and their login passwords are created in the corresponding table. In order to optimise and facilitate the management of access rights, Rights do not provide a direct assignment of rights to each individual user, but works in a different way.

Initially, so-called Roles are created in the corresponding table, which should be based on typical fields of activities – like, for example, the Roles Administrator or Contract Management.

These Roles are then assigned all appropriate access rights – thus, the Role Administrator might be assigned access rights for all master data and the user management, while the Role Contract Management could be assigned access to the operative module Contract and the corresponding Contracts master data tables. The assignment of access rights (called Privileges) for Roles is done in the table Roles -> Privileges.

This process allows you to create custom-fitted "rights packages" for various fields of activities, which can then be assigned to individual Users in the table Users -> Roles. A major advantage of this is that it spares you the efforts of having to assign all individual rights for each new user manually.

Finally, you have to define which location(s) a user is allowed to access. This is done in the table User -> Stations. Note that the station list also includes an entry for the holding which grants access to data of all individual stations!

Important: All changes concerning the user rights only become active upon a new login of the user in question!