The Table Special Task Types

  • Station:*

Station to which this configuration applies.

  • Subdivision:*

Subdivision to which this configuration applies.

  • ID:*

Internal definition of the special task type (ID = Identifier). This ID is used as a reference code by the software and must be unique for each special task type.

  • Name:*

Name of the special task type

  • Chart Color:

Color of the task type in the chart (in hexadecimal format)

  • Exclusive:

Checkbox activated: Assignment of a task in the same period, not possible without confirmation

  • Adjustable:

Checkbox activated: the special task is transferable to another employee (e.g. training instructor) and manually modifiable in length (begin/end) in the planning

  • ZEUS:

Checkbox for the interface for time recording

  • Deductible:

Checkbox activated: Marks deductible special tasks, i.e. the classified hours of the special task are deducted from the monthly hours gross to net

  • compulsory attendance:

Checkbox activated: For the special task attendance is compulsory.