Special Function Buttons for Services Flights
A variety of buttons are available for executing specific functions under Service. Below, these buttons are listed and their basic function is described (more details can be found in the following chapters):
Rollout Contract Data: This button is used to roll out contract data (i.e. services, prices etc. including specific adaptations resulting from applicable price configurations). Sometimes it is advisable or even necessary to roll out contract data again manually after the initial automated contract assignment and roll out. This might be the case, for example, if flight details have been added after contract assignment which might be relevant for price configuration evaluation, after the manual addition of contracts etc.
Generate Service Delivery Note: The Service Delivery note contains services which were captured with the MSR but also Special Services which were captured in the Backoffice.
Calculate Charges: This button is available in the table Flight Events. Clicking this button calculates all recorded charges contained in all the dependent tables as a preparation for the billing process. After the charges have been calculated, the charge State* of the flight event is automatically changed from Service to Calculated.
Credit: This button is available in the table Flight Events. It is used to create a credit entry for a service which has been erroneously invoiced. For more information about credit processes, please refer to chapter Credit and Debit Processes.
Cash Payment Preview: This button is used to create a preview of an invoicing document for cash payment. Note that the preview does not change anything about an event or its status, it just offers a preview opening in a new window which allows you to inspect if all information for the actual cash payment has been correctly recorded and calculated.
Set State of Selected Items to Invoicing: This button is available in the table Flight Events. After one or more completely recorded events have been selected, this button can be used to calculate the related charges and thus to finally prepare the event for the invoicing process. Clicking this button will also set the State* of the selected event(s) to Invoicing, clearing them for the actual invoicing process under Billing. This State* can be set back to the previous status under certain conditions until the event has actually been invoiced and the billing documents have been created.
Set State of Selected Items Back to Calculated: This button is available in the table Flight Events. After one or more events with the State* 'Invoicing' have been selected, this button can be used to set their status back to Calculated. This will revoke the clearance of the event and the corresponding services for the invoicing under Billing and allow further editing of the services recorded for the event(s). Important: Note that this only sets back those services related with the event which have not yet been invoiced under Billing! All others, which have been regularly invoiced, remain in the Charge State 'Invoiced'. Already invoiced services which are erroneous can only be corrected by the Credit function.
Show Service Delivery Note: This button is available in the table Flight Events only. Clicking this button initiates a printout of a task sheet for the operative personnel on which the services to be rendered are listed (please refer to chapter The button Show Service Delivery Note).
Contract assignment: Sometimes it might become necessary to redo the automated contract assignment, e.g. if contract details or price configurations had to be adapted. This button allows you to run the complete contract assignment again for one or multiple marked flight event data records.
Cash Payment Hotrun: This button is used to create a hotrun of an invoicing document for cash payment. Hotrun invoices get new continuously invoice numbers and cannot be deleted anymore.
Credit/Debit Creation: This button is used to generate a credit/debit for all services belonging to a flight event.
Reset block flag: This button is used for resetting the Blocked flag of one or a batch of selected flight events (also called billing events) so that the automatic calculation can include them again in the process.
View/Print Document: After marking an event in the table Flight Events and a corresponding entry in the table Flight Events -> Handling Documents or Flight Events -> Attachments, the button View/Print Document is enabled and can be used to print out e.g. a Service Delivery Note (SDN) or an Indemnity Form or any other attached document.
Jump To…: If a flight record is selected, you can use this button to jump to the corresponding flight record in the table .