The Table Airports

This table covers the most important characteristics of worldwide airports, including the IATA and ICAO coding.

The purpose of airport data is to define origins, destinations and "via" stopovers which can be used in flight data records of the modules Seasonal Flightplan and Flights. In these modules, only those airports can be used which have previously been defined in the table Airports.

Another aspect for which the airports can be used is the modelling of handling contracts. Here, they can be used as a rule for tariff management, for example, to assign special surcharges/percentage for cancellation depending on the airport a flight comes from or goes to.

Finally, the airports can be used for statistical evaluations of traffic directions.

Following data is recorded for each airport:

  • ID:*

Internal definition of the airport (ID = Identifier). This ID is used as a reference code by the software and must be unique. It is recommendable to use one of the international airport codes here.

  • Intern./Domestic:

International/Domestic indication derived from the master data of the airport

  • Distance:

Distance between your Location and the foreign airport. The dimension is freely definable.

  • Schengen:

Mark an airport as member of the Schengen Agreement (only relevant for European countries).

  • Name:*

Name of the airport in plain text

  • IATA:

International 3-letter code for the airport according to IATA standard

  • ICAO:

International 4-letter code for the airport according to ICAO standard

  • Country:

Country where the airport is located. The countries available in this pull-down menu are defined in the table Countries (see the following corresponding chapter).

  • Remark:

Freely definable comment

  • Deleted:

Data records marked as "Deleted" will not be listed in corresponding pull-down menus anymore.

  • Time Zone:

Timezone (UTC or local) in which the user will operate the system

  • EXIT:

Average Estimated Taxi In Time in minutes. When calculating the ETA from the EA of an MVT, the value of EXIT of the corresponding airport is to be added to the value of EA.

  • Modified By:

Name of the last user who changed the data record (filled automatically)

  • Last Changed:

Date and time when the data record was changed last (filled automatically)