The Table Contract Types

This table lists all available contract types. Each contract created in the operative module Contract can be assigned a contract type to group the contracts or contract-like items.

Note that with the optional feature of the combined use of different contracts (e.g. Published Tariff in conjunction with flight-specific contracts) the type assigned to a contract is of great importance: the combined use allows taking price configurations from multiple contracts of different types into account when calculating the prices.

The entries available here are predefined in the standard version of the product. As an option enhancement – together with the optional function Workflow – the administrative users may be enabled to define additional contract types and to assign workflows to them. Following data is available for each contract type:

  • Station:*

Station to which this entry applies.

  • ID:*

Unique identifier for the contract type. Note that this is not only used to uniquely define a contract type, but it also keys the type to specific accounting formulas!

  • Name:*

Plain text name for the contract type

  • Workflow Type:*

Combination of workflow type and station to be selected from the drop-down list. With this selection the user assigns a contract workflow to the contract type: Thus, it is possible to have different contract states or approval flows/distribution lists, depending on whether it is a Pax or a Cargo Contract.

  • Category:*

Type of the contractual document to be selected from the predefined drop-down list

  • Remark:

Free definable comment

  • Last Changed:

Date and time when the data record was changed last (filled automatically)

  • Modified By:

Name of the last user who changed the data record (filled automatically)