The Table Units

This master data table is used to define the basic units used for the accounting of services.

The units defined here are used in the other modules for contract creation, service recording and billing. The main function of Units is that they are the basis for service price definition. In the table Services, each service can be assigned a unit in which it is to be accounted and a corresponding price per unit.

Following data is captured for each basic unit:

  • ID:*

Internal definition of the unit (ID = Identifier). This ID is used as a reference code by the software and must be unique for each unit.

  • Name:*

Plain text definition of unit dimension (e.g. per hour, per item, per kg, etc.)

  • Name2:

Alternative definition

  • UOM Code:*

Unit Of Measurement code as defined by IATA for the IATA SIS interface

  • Remark:

Freely definable comment

  • SI Conversion Factor:

Conversion factor of the unit into SI units (e.g. TON=1000kg)