The Table Contractual Workflow Types

The table Contractual Workflow Types lists all types of workflows and allows the user to change the name and to add a remark. It also allows defining new workflows for contractual documents by pressing the button Create a New Object. Contractual documents are the different contract types and contract-like objects such as different quotation types and different Annex B types. Workflows for documents or issues other than contractual documents are provided with the software and are frozen: For such workflows the workflow configuration and distribution lists can be freely administered, but the workflow type as such is fixed.

This table has two detail tables:

  • Status

The table is only open for contractual documents. The entries in this detail table define the states for a workflow of a contractual document (workflow status). The user may add or modify states for example to facilitate the administration of additional or different approval steps. These states will be the states to be used in module Contract for the fields Current Status and Proposed Status. If a status shall be removed, this has to be handled with utmost care: It is only possible if the status is not currently "used" anywhere: This applies also to old versions of any document with this status.

  • Event Types

Defines the different situations in which the workflows can be triggered.

The following data can be recorded for the definition of contractual workflow types:

  • Station:*

Station to which this entry applies.

  • ID:*

Unique Identifier for the workflow; this ID will appear in other table combos

  • Name:*

Name of the workflow

  • Remark:

Freely definable text comment

  • Modified By:

Name of the last user who changed the data record (filled automatically)

  • Last Changed:

Date and time when the data record was changed last (filled automatically)

The Table Contractual Workflow Types -> Status

The table is only open for contractual documents. A precondition to work with this table is that the workflow type is defined in the master table Contractual Workflow Types.

Depending on certain states of documents, the system is expected to "behave" differently. This behaviour can only be hardcoded, so the system needs to rely on the existence and correct usage of these particular states. These states are called "system-internal states". They cannot be user administrable. For contracts it is possible to define, whether the contracts with a certain state (workflow state, administered in the above table) may be used for invoicing or not.

The system-internal states for contracts are:

  • Invoicing Not Allowed

A contract with this system-internal state may be used for billing.

  • Invoicing Not Allowed Pub

not used

  • Invoicing Allowed

A contract with this system-internal state may be used for billing. Such a contract is locked, i.e. the content cannot be modified anymore.

  • Station:*

Station to which this entry applies.

  • ID:*

Unique Identifier for the status; this ID will appear in other table combos

  • Name:*

Name of the status

  • Contract Status Internal:

One of the system-internal states listed above.

  • Remark:

Freely definable text comment

  • Modified By:

Name of the last user who changed the data record (filled automatically)

  • Last Changed:

Date and time when the data record was changed last (filled automatically)

The Table Contractual Workflow Types -> Event Types

The entries in the detail table Event Types define the different situations in which the workflows can be triggered. These "situations" represent a certain situation or change in the system, so they are not freely administrable. Solely for workflows of contractual documents, events can be added if they represent combinations of Current Status and Proposed Status of the contractual document.