The Table Import
Pull-down menu to select the station for which flights are to be imported |
Name of the file that will be imported |
State of the import (Failed, Imported with Errors, Initial, Processing, Release, Successful) |
Specification of the supported format |
Freely definable text comment |
Number of database and/or format errors |
Total number of flights included in the file that has been uploaded |
Name of the user who created the data |
Time stamp of the data creation |
Name of the user/application who changed the data |
Date and time when the data record was changed last (filled automatically) |
The Table Import -> Errors
After selecting an import transaction record from the table Import, the detail table Errors displays each of the flight records, for which the import failed due to format or database errors, whereby the field Error Description explains the exact reason.
Line number of the failed import file where the error occurred |
Content of the failed import file |
Description of the exact error reason. Error messages of background processes are stored and displayed in the operating system language. |
Name of the application that created the data |
Name of the application that changed the data |