The Table Message Clearing

Following data fields are available in the module Message Clearing:

  • Station:*

Station to which the message record relates.

  • ID:

Unique numerical identifier which is automatically assigned to each incoming message.

  • Type:

This field shows the message type (e.g. MVT, ASM, BFD).

  • Errors:

Number of syntax errors (not allocation errors) which have been identified in the message parsing process. This field is marked in red if the number is larger than 0 and if the flag Ignore is not set.

  • Edited:

Checkbox to display if the message has been edited. Editing is only possible once, afterwards a new message is generated and the old message will be locked.

  • Remark:

If available, this field lists additional information from the parsing process, e.g. it gives a notice if no matching flight for a message has been found etc.

  • Received:

Time stamp for the message

  • Received Begin/End:

These two fields are available in the Search panel to set a time period filter for a search.

  • Origin Addr:

If applicable, this field can be used to filter according to the sender (original address) of the message.

  • To Be Checked:

This checkbox is set by the business logic if no flight has been allocated or in case of syntax errors.

  • Ignore:

This checkbox can be set manually if the message should not be imported again but is to be ignored.

  • ROTID:

Internal definition (ID = Identifier) of the rotation to which the message has been assigned (in case of a successsul assignment). In case of SITA seasonal messages this field remains empty and the corresponding line is highlighted in yellow.

  • Prev Msg:

ID of the previous message

  • Header:

This field is available only in the Search/Edit panel and shows the actual message header part of the message. It can be edited if necessary.

  • Message:

This field is available only in the Search/Edit panel and shows the actual message body part of the message. It can be edited if necessary.

  • Appendix:

This field is available only in the Search/Edit panel and shows the actual message appendix part of the message. It can be edited if necessary.

  • Last Changed:

Date and time when the data record was changed last (filled automatically)

  • Modified By:

Name of the last user who changed the data record (filled automatically)