The Table Mode of Payment
In this table, the modes of direct payment available for customers are defined (cash, bank contact and a variety of credit cards).
The modes of payment recorded here are available in a pull-down menu for the issuing of a cash invoice under Service (see chapter The Table Flight Events). They are used for keeping track of how the bill was paid and are also included in the printout.
Notice: Please note that only one record has to be created here for cash payment, because only the mode of payment has to be considered. The corresponding currency for each individual cash payment is selected by another function under Service and Billing.
Following entries are available for the definition of a payment mode:
Internal definition of the mode of payment (ID = Identifier). This ID is used as a reference code by the software and must be unique. It is recommended to use the standard international abbreviation. |
Name of the mode of payment in plain text |
Freely definable comment on the currency |