The Table Invoice Number

This table can be used to define individual invoice number definitions and ranges for the different types of invoicing processes (i.e. normal, debit, credit).

As default, the unique and identifying invoice numbers are automatically assigned consecutively for all invoices created in Billing. This (optional!) table allows you to manually interrupt the consecutive numbering – e.g. if for accounting reasons a new invoice series shall be started.

In cooperation with topsystem , it is also possible to define specific rules for the invoice numbering. For example, it can be defined that a year and a month code is included in the number structure and the numbering is started from 1 again each month. A station code might also be included in such a structure. The rules are programmed correspondingly and can be changed in cooperation with topsystem if necessary.

This table always shows the number which will be assigned to the next invoice of the specified type according to the predefined rules.

Please note: Although a different use of the invoice numbering is possible (in consultation with topsystem ), the general default setting is the use of the field Subclassname to define the year, Classname to define a month and Next Invoice No. for the next invoice number used within the specified month/year. This numbering can be defined for each Station and, if necessary, even for each Invoice Type.

If necessary, it is also possible to create new number ranges. The process for doing this differs completely from the procedures used for the automated invoice numbering. Please contact topsystem if the necessity of changing the complete numbering arises.

Important: Note that due to fiscal law it might be problematic to change invoice numbering parameters. Interruptions of regular numbering structures might also have unwanted consequences for both bookkeeping and financial accounting. Any changes made here should be well considered and only be applied if really necessary!

The data in this table allows you to define a number the next invoice run is to be started with:

  • Station:*

Station to which this entry applies. This column is only shown if you are logged in above station level.

  • Next Invoice No.:*

Number dedicated for the next invoice for the specified Invoice Type (see below)

  • Classname:

A unique ID number which is required as a parameter for the (optional) invoice numbering regulations. Generally, a month number (e.g. 01=Jan, 02=Feb etc.) is used for this parameter, but the definition can be adapted in consultation with topsystem .

  • Subclassname:

A second unique ID number which is required as a parameter for the (optional) invoice numbering regulations. Generally, a year (e.g. 2008) is used for this parameter, but the definition can be adapted in consultation with topsystem .

  • Invoice Type:

In case the invoice numbering is managed separately based on the invoice type, this pull-down menu can be used to define the type the invoice numbering is valid for (an invoice run can be performed for one special invoice type only, e.g. Credit, Debit, Cash).

  • Remark:

Freely definable comment

Please also consider the following videos:

Invoice Number Format: