The Table Services

In this table, all basic details about the services you offer are captured. Included in the delivery is a default list of predefined services according to the AHM (Airport Handling Manual) published by IATA. Changes and additions can be made according to your own requirements at any time, allowing you to include additional services like usage of infrastructural facilities etc. to compose an individual, complete service catalogue.

Although basic prices are also displayed here, the actual price management is done in the dependent table Service Price Configurations (see chapter The Table Services → Price Configuration). In the other dependent table, Service Account, the internal accounting of service revenues is managed.

A data field which has a significant function for the operative handling workflow is the checkbox Special Service. Initially, the services to be provided for an event (e.g. a flight) are automatically imported from appropriate handling contracts. In addition to the contractual services included therein, it is also possible to record services which have been directly requested for an event and are not part of a contract. These are recorded in the table Events Special Services in the module Service, where they can be selected from a pull-down menu. This pull-down menu offers only those services for selection which have been marked as Special Service in the master data table Services. Please note that this mark does not prevent you from using the Special Services for contractual purposes – it is only used to reduce the corresponding pull down-list to those services which are actually necessary for ad-hoc operative requirements.

Please note that any price-influencing parameters for special services have to be defined here in the master data tables Service Price Configurations and Price Configurations Rules because the automated billing calculation will refer to the definitions made in these tables.

Following basic data can be recorded for each service:

  • ID:*

Internal definition of the service (ID = Identifier). This ID is used as a reference code by the software and must be unique for each service. For all services from the AHM, the official ID code including the issue year should be entered here.

  • Name (MSR):

Short naming of the service for operational agents. This will be displayed in the MSR.

  • Name:(*)

Name of the service. This naming will be printed on the invoice document.

  • Unit:*

Define the unit (e.g. Per hour, Per event, Per minute etc.) the service is calculated in. The options available here are defined in the corresponding master data table Units.

  • Contractual Unit:

Free definable unit to be printed on the contract document and may differ from the standard Unit field value.

  • IATA Charge Code:*

The code of the service as defined in the contract.

  • Formula:

Actual prices of some services might be calculated according to specific formulas with the basic price acting only as one parameter. For example, it might be a contractual standard to provide a GPU for half an hour for free for each handling process and only charge for every extra time afterwards. For these cases, services might be bound to a corresponding formula. These formulas can be defined in consultation with topsystem and are then made available in this pull-down menu.

  • Category:

Pull-down menu to select the category (e.g. AIRPORT)

  • Special Service:*

You can define a service as a Special Service by marking this checkbox. Important: These are the only services available for recording as Special Services in the corresponding table of the operative module Service! All services for which the checkbox is not marked can only be used in contracts.

  • Internal:*

Services flagged as internal will not be displayed in the contract printout, such as Late Payment Fee or Disbursement e.g.

  • ARR:*

Service is made available for the service branch Inbound

  • DEP:*

Service is made available for the service branch Outbound

  • Max. Quantity:

A number for a maximum quantity to be provided can be defined in this field. During the monitoring of services rendered, system will check the stored quantities against this value and inform the user if necessary.

  • Sort Order:*

Number to determine the order in which the time stamps appear

  • Last Changed:

Date and time when the data record was changed last (filled automatically)

  • Modified By:

Name of the last user who changed the data record (filled automatically)

  • Remark:

Freely definable comment

  • Service Name Alternative:

If necessary, the user may add an alternative service name to be used in contracts and/or invoices. Which name will be used, is controlled by the invoice and contract templates.

  • Remark MSR:

A remark for the billing officer in the backoffice can be entered in the MSR. This remark will be shown here.

  • MSR Calculate by Grouping Key:*
    (tab available depending on configuration)

If this flag is checked, an additional grouping key is displayed in the MSR.

  • Dependent Service:

Combo-box of all other services. For a service with such an entry (called primary service) it is checked during calculation if the associated services was registered.

  • Dependent Service Position Type:

This additional attribute can be set, if this dependency applies only if the corresponding flight is handled at the chosen position type.

  • Dependent Service Remark:

A remark for the billing officer in the backoffice can be entered in the MSR. This remark will be shown here.

The Table Services → Account

In this table the booking of service revenues to internal accounts can be defined corresponding to ERP accounts to which individual services are to be booked.

In order to define and edit the accounting settings for an individual service, mark the corresponding service in the table Services and switch to the dependent table Services Account.

Please note that most of the data recorded here is required only for informational purposes or for the preparation of forwarding data to an external financial accounting system (e.g. SAP, ORACLE Finance etc.). Because the format of the data required by different financial accounting systems may vary, only the general proceedings can be explained here. If required, the individual details can be clarified in cooperation with a topsystem contact.

Important: One decisive entry for the price calculation is the data field VAT. Here, the country-specific applicable VAT rate for the service has to be entered! Otherwise, no VAT will be included in the invoicing processes!

Remarks regarding the flags Special Service (table Services) and MSR (table ServicesAccount):

  • Flags Special Service and MSR are set: Service is shown in the MSR, service can be recorded as special service in the application and in MSR.

  • Only flag Special Service is set: Service is not shown in the MSR, service can be recorded as special service in the application.

  • Only flag MSR is set: Service is shown in the MSR if it is a contractual service, service can neither be recorded as special service in the application nor in the MSR.

  • Neither of the flags is set: Service is not shown in the MSR, service can neither be recorded as special service in the application nor in the MSR.

Following data can be recorded for the accounting of services:

  • Station:*

Station to which this entry applies. This column is only shown if you are logged in above station level.

  • Last Changed:

Date and time when the data record was changed last (filled automatically)

  • Modified By:

Name of the last user who changed the data record (filled automatically)

  • Service:

Combination of the service name definitions from the fields ID* and Service Name* is displayed as it has been defined in the table Services of the master data module Contract. For newly added service records, the pull-down menu can be used to select the service.

  • Account 1-4:

Define up to four booking accounts for which the service is to be recorded.

  • ERP-No.:

If an external accounting system (e.g. SAP, ORACLE Finance) is connected to the application, this field can be used to enter an appropriate service code for the export of data to the financial accounting.

  • Costcenter:

Cost center assigned to the service

  • Disbursement [%]:

Disbursement percentage that will be calculated in case this service is used as special service in the module Services Flights or Services Events.

  • Active:*

By setting this flag the service account details become active for invoicing and further export to an external accounting system.

  • MSR:*

Flag to indicate if a service is shown in the MSR

  • VAT:

VAT rate applicable for the service. The country-specific VAT rates available here for selection are managed in the corresponding master data table in the module Billing. Important: Note that the selection of a (country-specific) VAT rate here is of utmost importance for the proper price calculation in the invoicing procedure!

  • Remark:

Freely definable comment on the data record

The Table Services → Account → Organisation Units

In this detail table the internal organizational units (e.g. Ramp, Operations etc.), which provide this service can be selected setting the Active Flag. Doing so will filter the services in the MSR, so the MSR users see only the services of their organizational unit. Depending on the privileges the MSR users may have the option to “Enable to show services for all Org. Units”.

Following data can be recorded for the organisation units:

  • Active:

By setting this flag the organisation units which provide this service become active.

  • ID:*

Internal definition of the organisation unit (ID = Identifier). This ID is used as a reference code by the software and must be unique for each service.

  • Name:*

Name of the organisation unit. This naming will be printed on the invoice document.

The Table Services → Price Configurations

This master data table is used to define details about service prices and price calculations. The table is dependent on the table Services. It also has the table Price Configurations Rules as a dependent table.

The following data is available in the table ServicesPrice Configurations:

  • Station:*

Station to which this entry applies. This column is only shown if you are logged in above station level.

  • ID:*

Unique identifier for the price configuration

  • Service Name:

Contains the name of the service for which the price definition is applicable as it has been defined in the fields ID* and Service Name* in the table Services. This is not editable.

  • Name:*

Name of price configuration

  • Active:

By setting this flag the service account details become active for invoicing and further export to OF.

  • ARR/DEP/Rotation:

Mark one of these fields depending on the case that a flight is an arrival, a departure or a rotation

  • Others:*

Flag if the configuration is applicable for other.

  • Price/Value:

Depending on the entry selected from the pull-down menu Price catalogue, a standard price or any other calculation value (e.g. a percentage for cancellation percentage) is entered here.

  • Value 2:

A second value can be entered here.

  • Surcharge/Discount (%):

Surcharge or discount (negative number) in percent

  • Position:*

Numerical value entered here defines the position in the order in which the Price values of the associated price catalogue parameter is checked in the calculation process (see description below). Generally, the highest values are assigned the most conditions. Also generally, for each service at least a default price (unit price) without any conditions (rules) has to be entered with the position 0.

  • Valid From/Until*:*

Define a period of validity for the price

  • Parameter:*

Select the type of 'Price' value (e.g. Unit price for a standard price, Percentage for cancellation or for surcharge etc.)

  • Remark:

Freely definable comment on the data record

  • Last Changed:

Date and time when the data record was changed last (filled automatically)

  • Modified By:

Name of the last user who changed the data record (filled automatically)

The basic principle is the following:

  • The services are listed in the table Services.

  • The calculation rules of prices and quantity are defined in the table Services Price Configurations.

  • Whether a calculation rule applies to a particular event is specified in the table Services Price Configurations Rules.

Search hint

In this detail table, it is possible to search without a selected master entry. This is to support check for validity periods and to allow multi edit for prolongations of price configurations, as well as to check for active price configurations for the stations:

  • Do not select any master entry in the master table Master Data ContractServices.

  • Click in the detail table Price Configurations.

  • Click the button Search images/download/thumbnails/286687869/2020-08-04_12_23_23-Window.png .

To access information about the price details concerning a specific service, mark its entry in one of the tables Services and switch to the dependent table Services Price Configurations to get a list of all price details concerning the selected service.

Please note that not only the basic prices for services are managed here but – in combination with the additional table Price Configurations Rules and the master data module Price Formulas – also copious and detailed regulations and formulas for automated calculations.

Important: Please note that the complete procedure described below is applicable only for services which are provided for an event outside The Module MessageBroker Interfaces)!

Although it is, of course, possible to simply assign a basic price for a service, the application offers elaborate features for defining calculation rules for service pricing. In a calculation process for standard services, these rules then check actual events (e.g. a flight for which services have been provided) and the appropriate conditions for the pricing.

Example: One and the same standard service – e.g. "De-icing" – might have a different basic price for different aircraft types. In addition to this, a surcharge might be required if the service is rendered during the night. Conditions like these can be designed with the price calculation system and are then taken automatically into account whenever the service is rendered for a specific event.

Using the price formula features makes it necessary to use multiple data records for defining the price rules accordingly. Another option offered by the availability of multiple records is the keeping of a price history based on the Valid From… – Valid Until… fields.

The basic process behind the condition management for the pricing is as follows: First of all, a data record for actual prices is created in the dependent table Services Price Configurations. Here, an actual price is entered in the field Price/Value, and the entry UNIT PRICE (= price for one unit of the service) is selected from the pull-down menu Parameter. In the field Position*, a numerical value is entered which is based on the number of conditions you want to cover (see below). This combination of Services, Parameter and Position defines the basic identification which is required to specify a condition for the service price in the master data module Price Formulas.

Now you can create a new data record with a different Price/Value and a Position* with a value one counter below the original – this new position defines that a different condition is set in the module Price Formulas for the new price to become applicable. This process is continued until you reach the Position* "0", which should then represent a basic price which is valid without any conditions.

Important: As a basic requirement for assigning a price to a service, each service must have at least one data record for price definition! This record must

  1. feature a basic price in the field Price*

  2. be of the Parameter category UNIT PRICE (= price for one unit of the service)

  3. have the Position* value "0" (= no conditions are applied). This entry is required as a default price for the service recording and billing modules.

The numbering in the field Position* creates a "sequence" of conditions which are automatically checked from the highest to the lowest value during the price calculation in the operative service recording/billing. As soon as the checking routine finds a Position* where all conditions apply to the actual event for which the service has been provided, the corresponding price is selected.

The following example illustrates this somewhat complex process:

Example 1: For the service "Landing Fee", different prices shall be applied depending on the MTOW of the landing aircraft. Three different categories shall be created: aircraft with more than 136 t – 300€, aircraft between 136-20 t – 200€ and aircraft below 20 t – 100€.

In a first step, a price data record is created for the service "Landing Fee" which is assigned the values 300 for Price/Value, Position* value "3" and the Parameter entry Unit price. In the table Price Configurations → Rules, this data record is then assigned the condition "MTOW>136 t". Now a second data record is created which is assigned the values 200 for Price/Value, Position* value "2" and also the Price Catalogue entry Unit price. Correspondingly, in the table Price Configurations → Rules this data record is assigned the conditions "MTOW<136 t & >20 t". Finally, a last record is created with the values 100 for Price/Value*, Position* value "3" and the Parameter entry Unit price and the appropriate condition under Price Configurations Rules.

For the automatic price calculation of the actual landing of an aircraft, the complete event data (times, aircraft type, passengers, MTOW etc.) is available. Let's assume an aircraft with an MTOW of 100 t would land. During the calculation process for the "Landing Fee", the calculation software would then find the Unit price variants with conditions based on "MTOW" and start checking the available Position* values from the highest (in this case "3") to the lowest.

Although the condition type refers to the MTOW, the values set here only include aircraft with "MTOW >136 t". Thus, the calculation mechanisms would search for the next lower position. Here, in Position* "2", the values are "MTOW <136 t >20 t". This includes the actual aircraft weight of 100 t (see above), and the corresponding Price/Value* of 200€ would be applied.

This example illustrates the principle of basic price calculation in connection with a specific condition referring to actual events (note that it is also possible to assign more than one condition to a position – this is explained in the chapter The Table Services > Price Configurations > Rules).

In addition to basic pricing, a variety of other parameters can also be used for modifying the resulting price. All available parameters are listed in the pull-down menu Parameter*. As with the basic price (Unit price), each kind of parameter can also be structured in a Position*-based hierarchy of conditions.

Example 2: In addition to the MTOW-based price calculation for the service "Landing Fee" described in Example 1 above, the time of the day shall also be taken into account for the pricing. In this case, a night surcharge of 30% shall be applied for landings between 22:00-06:00.

This is done with two additional pricing data records – Position* "1" and "0", both with the parameter Percentage for cancellation. The data record with Position* “1” is assigned the value “-30” in the field Price/Value* (the parameter Percentage for cancellation is counted as a percentage value, as a price reduction if unsigned, as a surcharge if signed with a minus “-“). For the data record with Position „1" the condition "between 22:00-06:00" is defined in the table Price ConfigurationsRules while for the data record with position "0" no condition is defined. The value in the field Price* for Position* "0" is zero "0", because no modification is applied here.

In the price calculation process, the billing software now finds these conditions for the parameter Percentage for cancellation, in addition to the normal pricing conditions Parameter entry Unit price (see Example 1). By checking the data from an actual flight event – in this case the landing time – the software now also includes a query concerning a possible surcharge depending on time conditions.

The Table Services → Price Configurations → Rules

This table is used to assign price rules (i.e. conditions of validity) for the calculation of service prices which have been defined in the table Services Price Configurations (see previous chapter).

"Rules" are used to define certain circumstances which are relevant for the selection of price variants. Note that rules for prices are used only if more complex calculation processes are required for price determination. For a simple fee calculation – e.g. a single adult passenger fee it might be sufficient to define a simple price in the table Services Price Configurations. Thus, no rules are defined for such service fees.

Note that rules attached to service pricing are always checked in reference to the actual data of any specific event for which the service is rendered. This means, if the price calculation for a specific event (e.g. a flight), for which services have been rendered, is started in the operative modules, the system checks the complete pricing rules to find the correct price. This is done by matching actual event data with service pricing rules.

In order to assign rules to a service pricing data record, mark the record in the table Services Price Configurations and switch to the dependent table Price Configurations Rules. Here, you can then define rules (i.e. conditions) for the pricing data record.

Each newly defined data record automatically lists the name of the service it refers to. All other data can be entered manually. From the pull-down menu Rule* the type of condition can be selected which is to be taken into account for the service pricing (e.g. MTOW, handling type, aircraft type etc.). The rules available for selection are defined in the master data module Price Formula. After the rule has been selected, the fields Operation*, Low Level and High Level are used to define the values/parameters to be applied to the pricing variant rule. First, a mathematical operator is selected from the pull-down menu Operation* (e.g. equal, less than, more than etc.). Depending on the selected operator, corresponding values can then be entered in the field Low Level only – e.g. a comma-separated list of aircraft types – or in both the fields Low Level and High Level for defining a span – e.g. a time span.

The format of the data entered in the fields Low Level and/or High Level has to correspond to the standard formats used in the master data – e.g. aircraft types have to be entered as they have been defined in the table Aircraft Type of the master data module FIS.

Example 1: In order to create a condition data record for a service pricing to become valid for specific aircraft types, the entry 'Aircraft Type' is selected from the pull-down menu Rule* first. In a second step, the applicable aircraft types are entered as a comma-separated list in the field Low Level.

Example 2: A condition for a time span could be defined for a service pricing variant e.g. if a special price variant is to be used at night time. In this case, the Rule* entry 'AT' (actual time) can be selected. The desired time span is defined by entering a starting time in the field Low Level and an end time in the field High Level.

Alternatively to the definition of rules as described above, standardised, frequently used conditions can be defined in the master data module Price Formula and stored as Constant. These can then quickly be selected from the corresponding pull-down menu without having to fill in the other fields (i.e. Rule*, Operation, Low Level and High Level).

Following data is available for the selection of price rules:

  • Service Name:

Contains the name of the service for which the price definition is applicable as it has been defined in the fields ID* and Service Name* in the table Services. This is not editable.

  • Rule:*

Select the rule you want to assign to a service price entry. The available rules are defined in the module Price Formula.

  • Operation:*

If a mathematical equation (between, equal, less than…) is used for the assignment of a rule, it can be selected here.

  • Low/High Level:

Depending on the formula behind the rule and the mathematical equation selected under Operation*, you can enter values in these fields for defining a value/interval to be applied. The parameters these values refer to (e.g. kg, passenger numbers etc.) have to be defined in the master data module Price Formula in reference to the Rules*.

  • Condition Group:

Numerical values. Entering identical numerical values for multiple rules records (i.e. lines) connects these to combine their conditions. All conditions thus defined have to apply in order for a price configuration to be valid. Conversely, this means that different values in the field Condition Group act as an OR condition. This means that only one of the rules has to apply for the price configuration to be valid.

  • Station:

Station to which this entry applies. This column is only shown if you are logged in above station level.

The Table Services → Services AHM

This table is used for establishing the relation between the services (in table Services) and the official AHM services available in the SGHA catalogues.

  • Active:

Flag to assign AHM services to an internal service

  • ID:

AHM code is used there per default

  • AHM Text:

Official AHM service full description

  • Source:

Reference date of the AHM catalogue

  • Remark:

Free definable remark

The Table Services → Services AHM → AHM Remarks

This table is used for defining printable remarks against the AHM services for the contractual documents.

  • ID:

AHM code. Filled automatically.

  • AHM fragment:

Fragment of the AHM service description. Filled automatically.

  • Remark:

Free definable remark to be printed at the service on contractual document

  • Create Time:

Creation time of the data row

  • Created By:

Name of the user who created the data row

  • Last Changed:

Time stamp of the latest data row changes

  • Modified By:

Name of the user who modified the data row last.

Please also consider the following video:

MSR Master Data: