The Table Quality Items

In this table a complete list of all service quality attributes is created and managed. The table offers functions for creating agreements concerning the quality of the services which is to be achieved. Generally, this includes quality standards which have to be achieved (e.g. a maximum time allowed for rendering a service) and a specific bonus/malus system. As a basis for quality criteria, the AHM 804 is used. The created items are then available to be included in an SLA.

The following data is available:

  • ID:*

Internal definition of the quality item (ID = Identifier). This ID is used as a reference code by the software and must be unique for each quality item.

  • Name:*

Plain text definition of quality item

  • Name Alternative:

Alternative definition

  • Inbound:

Checkbox to mark a quality item as inbound

  • Outbound:

Checkbox to mark a quality item as outbound

  • OPS:

Marking defines that a service is to be printed out on worksheets for the operative staff (or optionally forwarded to mobile service registration devices). Note: Worksheets can be printed out in the operative module Service in order to instruct the operative apron staff. All services included in an appropriate contract, which are marked as OPS, are included in the printout.

  • Operation:

Corresponding to the selected quality item and to the values to be entered select an operation from the pull-down menu. The list displayed is a pre-selection of possible entries in accordance to the quality item.

  • Value Min/Avg/Max:

Minimum/average/maximum value

  • Unit:

Lists the unit the service is accounted in (e.g. litre, hour, minute etc.)

  • AHM 804:

Checkbox for performance measurements of service delivery standards according to AHM 804

  • Org.Unit:

Internal operative organisation unit (e.g. Ramp, Operations etc.) can be selected to which the service is attributed to. This is especially important for the printout of task sheets or task forwarding to mobile data devices as well as for the internal booking of revenues from services.

  • Remark:

Freely definable comment

The Table Quality Items -> Organisation Units

Internal operative organisation unit (e.g. Ramp, Operations etc.) can be selected to which the service is attributed to. This is especially important for the printout of task sheets or task forwarding to mobile data devices as well as for the internal booking of revenues from services.

It is possible to assign multiple Organisation Units to one Quality Item.

  • Active:

Checkbox to mark an organisation unit as active for the quality item selected in the master table Quality Items

  • ID:*

Internal definition of the organisation unit (ID = Identifier). This ID is used as a reference code by the software and must be unique for each organisation unit.

  • Name:*

Plain text definition of organisation unit

Please also consider the following video:

Multiple OrgUnits Quality Items: