The Table Users -> Stations

In addition to the assignment of Roles, each User has also to be granted access to one or more station(s). This is done in the table Users -> Stations.

In order to allow a user access to a specific location, first create a new record set (i.e. line) by clicking the button Create a new object images/download/thumbnails/286687894/2020-08-04_12_22_02-Window.png from the task bar. Then select the user from the pull-down menu User Name*, switch to the field Station* and select the desired entry from the list here. Remember to store your changes by clicking in another line or by using the button Save images/download/thumbnails/286687894/2020-08-04_12_24_42-Window.png in the task bar. As with any changes to the data of a User, the assignment of new stations requires a new login to become active!

Important: In addition to specific Stations, the list also contains a superordinate entry for the holding company. Choosing this entry will allow a user access to data of all other Stations.

  • Active:

By setting this flag the station is assigned to the selected user.

  • Level:

Level of Station corresponding to the company hierarchy (Level 1 for Holding, level 2 for the Country, level 3 for the stations)

  • ID:

Station (rather a node in the hierarchy for example of holding, country and stations)

  • Name:

Name of station