Non Flight Event Handling

After login into the MSR the user see depending of his permission the page Flights (for flight-events) or the page Customers (for non-flight-events).
To navigate from the Flights page to the Customer page please select the images/download/thumbnails/294490946/image2021-7-29_11-57-48.png Icon in the right top of the header-bar.

Content of page:

Customer List




After navigating to the page of customers the user see a list of all customers defined in the main system (GHS) under Master Data Contract → Customers. Selecting one customer will navigate to the event-list.



In the list of events the user see all non flight events (NFEs) of the selected customer.
The list show by default events with a event-date like 2 days in past and 30 days in future.

To add services to the NFE select one NFE from the list and the app navigate to the service view.


Change Date-Range

The date-range of shown NFEs can be changed in the main system (GHS) under Master Data Gerneral → Settings. This two settings must be modified:

MSrNfeDaysHigh = default 30

MSrNfeDaysLow = default 2



Sometimes no online connection exists, so the user need offline data to manage the services (NFEs) at the airplane. For this event and service data can be download before.

To download a event please activate the offline-mode with the images/download/thumbnails/294490946/image2021-7-29_8-27-31.png button. To switch off the mode please select the images/download/thumbnails/294490946/image2021-7-29_8-28-53.png button. On active offline-mode all flight list-item have some new icon on the right side:

images/download/thumbnails/294490946/image2021-7-29_8-29-51.png This event can be downloaded. Please select the event and the data will be save

images/download/thumbnails/294490946/image2021-7-29_8-30-2.png This event is already downloaded. If you navigate to one event before, the icon appears green, because already downloaded data will be save for the session.

The downloaded flights are only available for the active session. If the user logoff, all data will be removed.

Create / Modify Non flight event (NFE)




In the event-list view the user can also create new events or modify the data of existing NFEs.


Create a event

On click on the images/download/thumbnails/294490946/image2021-7-29_13-23-9.png button will open a dialog to create new events. On click on the images/download/thumbnails/294490946/image2021-7-29_13-24-31.png button the edit-mode switch on and the user can select one item in the event-list to edit data. After selecting the event, the same dialog as on function create new event will be shown.


Adding a date and a name for the event is mandatory.

The additional data is optional, but if parking position or handling type is selected the selection of the aircraft registration is mandatory.

Feature Groundhandler

The "create a new event" dialog on the right side shows in this example Additional data: aircraft registration, parking position, handling type.

The additional data depends on the Feature Groundhandler. If this data is missing on the system please contact the support for more information how to activate the Feature.


Add additional data with the Select-Input:


The three additional field aircraft registration, parking position and handling type are from type "input-select".
Please add one or two characters/numbers and wait a short time. After this the app shows a list with corresponding items. Please select the correct item.


How to add, remove and modify services.




To add a service please select a service in the list at (4). In the list of services are all services visible which are included in the assigned contract of the flight. The assigned contract can be found in the main system (GHS) under Services Flights → Flights → Contracts.
Services with a italic font has captured data and can be modified.



After select on service the application navigate to the service detail page:

The MSR differ between two different kind of services:

images/download/thumbnails/294490896/image2021-7-29_9-42-36.png Time based services
images/download/thumbnails/294490896/image2021-7-29_9-43-20.png Quantity based services

The detail view changed between this types, because different kind of data must be entered.

images/download/attachments/294490896/image2021-7-29_9-40-7.png images/download/attachments/294490896/image2021-7-29_9-44-9.png

The user can add different data in this view. It is possible to add more then one entry for a service.

Item Handling

images/download/thumbnails/294490896/image2021-7-29_9-50-23.png The user can add more than one entry and add additional data.

images/download/thumbnails/294490896/image2021-7-29_9-51-30.png The user can remove again one of the added items

images/download/thumbnails/294490896/image2021-7-29_9-51-44.png If only one item exists, the user can select this button to clear the data in the item


The data will be saved automatic if the user navigate back. There exists no additional save button.


Grouping Key

The Grouping Key can be activate per service in the main system (GHS) unter Master Data Contract → Services. In the table of service exists the flag "MSR Calculate by Grouping Key" to activate this feature.


If activate, the calculation of services uses this grouping key for the calculation of the service items. Entries of one service with the same grouping key will be calculate together, so that the calculation is split by the given grouping keys.


Three different entries in the MSR service detail view:

1) Quantity = 8 / Grouping Key = "Grp1"

2) Quantity = 7 / Grouping Key = "Grp2"

3) Quantity = 6 / Grouping Key = "Grp1"

In the calculation of the service data the two groups "Grp1" with quantity 14 and "Grp2" with quantity 7 will be used. This mean for a service with a defined parameter to round up to next "10", that Grp1 will be round up to 20 and Grp2 to 10. Without the grouping configuration the calculation adds all quantities together (8+7+6 = 21) and round the result up to 30.
So with grouping the calculation can be split by the grouping key.flhd