The Module MSR - Mobile Service Registration

The module MSR (Mobile Service Registration) is an optional extension for the application. More precisely, it is an add-on for the service recording module Services Flights. While Services Flights is normally used at stationary workstations to manage service recording and calculate fees as a preparation for billing in the back office, the MSR is used to directly record services on the apron with help of mobile (tablet) computers.

The MSR is a web-based application and can be used by smartphones, tables and computers and runs in every common web browser. To open the MSR please use following link, there <Server-URL> changed depending on the system.

<Server-URL>/msr/ng/en English Language Version of MSR

<Server-URL>/msr/ng/de German Language Version of MSR

Please also consider the following videos:

MSR – User Instroduction:

IATA Messages in the MSR:

Remarks in MSR:

Capture Signature of Airline Representative in MSR: