The Table Flights -> Messages

This table shows all IATA and AFTN messages related to this flight, if these optional interfaces are active.

  • Station:*

Shows the station for which the message record is valid.

  • A/D:

Indicates if the message is related to the arrival or departure leg of the rotation.

  • Type:

This field shows the message type (e.g. MVT, ASM, BFD).

  • Parser Errors:

Number of syntax errors (not allocation errors) which have been identified in the message parsing process. This field is marked in red if the number is larger than 0 and if the flag Ignore is not set.

  • Logic Errors:

Number of logic errors which have been identified. This field is marked in red if the number is larger than 0 and if the flag Ignore is not set.

  • Header:

Header part of the message

  • Message:

This field shows the actual message body part of the message. It can be edited if necessary.

  • Appendix:

Appendix to the message

  • Remark:

Freely definable text comment

  • Received:

Time stamp for the message

  • Modified By:

Name of the last user who changed the data record. Filled in automatically.

  • Last Changed:

Date and time when the data record was changed last. This entry is filled in automatically.

  • manually created:

Flag that shows if the message has been created manually.

Often SSRs are recieved via email (not even in PSM format). Such free text infomation can be added to Services FlightsFlights: Messages, so they are visible in the MSR and can be considered for SSR-related service registration.

The messages received from the IATA Interface remain to be not editable in these tables, but the new entries are editable.