The Table Service Level Agreements -> Assignment Rules

This table can be used to define rules for controlling the quality items assignment (see also chapter The Table Contract -> Assignment Rules).

The following data is available:

  • Rule:*

Rule to be applied as a condition. The entries available for selection are defined in the master data module Price Formula and include variants such as Flight Number, Airline Id, Block Time, Day of operation etc. The rules available here are customized in cooperation with topsystem and can thus not be listed completely here.

  • Operation:*

Corresponding to the selected rule and to the values to be entered select an operation from the pull-down menu. The list displayed is a pre-selection of possible entries in accordance to the rule.

  • High/Low Level:

Used to define the actual values for the selected rule and operation (see explanation above)

  • Group:

Numerical values. Entering identical numerical values for multiple rules records (i.e. lines) connects these to combine their conditions. All conditions thus defined have to apply in order for a price configuration to be valid. Conversely, this means that different values in the field Group act as an OR condition. This means that only one of the rules has to apply for the price configuration to be valid.