The Table Service Level Agreements -> Common Check-In

With this table you may edit new CCI tasks to assign them later to the flights.This table ist available with the feature Rostering and Tasks.

  • ID:*

Unique identity of the standard task

  • Subdivision:

Is defined in the master data by the task type and just for overview

  • Task Type:*

Selection of a task type defined by master data T

  • Begin:*

Time when a task should start

  • End:*

Time when a task should be finished

  • Timezone:*

Timezone to be applied for the fixed task

  • Reference:

Reference of the flight time stamp by which the calculation is done

  • Qualification 1:*

Qualification which is needed for this task

  • Level 1:*

Qualification level which is defined for this task

  • Qualification 2:

Qualification which is needed for this task

  • Level 2:

Qualification level which is defined for this task

  • Qualification 2:

Qualification which is needed for this task

  • Level 2:

Qualification level which is defined for this task

  • Utilization:*

Utilization in %

  • Self Service [%]:*

Self service rate in %

  • PAX / h:*

Handeled PAX per hour